2023 Tamil Fest
The 2023 Tamil Fest is on this weekend, Aug. 26 & 27, on Markham Road, the largest South-Asian event in Toronto.
The 2023 Tamil Fest is on this weekend, Aug. 26 & 27, on Markham Road, the largest South-Asian event in Toronto.
The 2023 Toronto Korean Festival is on this weekend, Aug. 25 to 27, at Mel Lastman Square, join the exciting festivities of food, K-Pop dance and singing competitions.
Celebrating their 60th anniversary, join the Taiwanese Canadian Association of Toronto at their dinner gala on Aug. 27. Tickets are $1,200 per table! Congratulations to TCAT!
The Malaysian Association of Canada is having their annual picnic at Simeon Park on Aug. 20, please see flyer for RSVP details.
https://player.vimeo.com/video/850976454?color&autopause=0&loop=0&muted=0&title=1&portrait=1&byline=1#t= Opening Ceremony Live Stream August 3rd We are excited to invite you to the “Art at Heart, Chu Tat-shing Exhibition” taking place at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater…
The Taste of Vietnam is on this weekend Thursday Aug. 10 to Saturday Aug. 12 at Nathan Phillips Square. For more info: https://www.tasteofvietnam.org/
Aug. 25 to 27 at Harbourfront Centre How did one librarian unearth the history of Formosa?一位圖書館員是如何開啟「臺灣島史」研究的呢?