ALPHA Education Commemorates the 9th International Memorial Day for “Comfort Women”

COMMEMORATING THE 9th INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL DAY FOR ’COMFORT WOMEN’ Honouring the Grandmas through Remembrance, Solidarity and Action Sexual violence against women in war and armed conflict is a crime against humanity…

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M.E.F invites you to our Myanmar Community Food Fair & Evening Bazaar at 12 High Meadow Place, North York ( Toronto ) , ON M9L 2Z5 ( Toronto Burmese Buddhist Temple ) on August 14

This is a fundraising by MEF (Myanmar Emergency Fund) group which has been supporting victims in Myanmar whose lives have been destroyed by brutal military regime since they took over…

Continue ReadingM.E.F invites you to our Myanmar Community Food Fair & Evening Bazaar at 12 High Meadow Place, North York ( Toronto ) , ON M9L 2Z5 ( Toronto Burmese Buddhist Temple ) on August 14


Program Preview - 節目搶先看 Taiwan, A View With South Korea in Mind - Rex How從另一個方向看台灣 - 和韓國的對照 - 郝明義South Korean and Taiwanese societies share similar historical trajectories, but what makes them different?…

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