Three Headed Dragon inc. will be hosting the Asian food battle 2023 Japan vs Taiwan on March 12th 11am-8pm at Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre. This event has a unique theme…
Haru Matsuri – March 4~5
The JCCC will open its doors to everyone as they enjoy a weekend filled with activities, entertainment, and exhibits associated with festivities across Japan in the Spring!! Haru Matsuri will…
Family Day Magical Imperfections
“See, in doing something, you have to pursue whatever you’re doing and aim for that perfect moon. But, for a mortal person, the result may be more comfortable if there is…
The 75th anniversary of the 228 Incident in Taiwan
North York, Ontario - On February 24, 2023, the North York Civic Center will host the 228 Peace Memorial Memorial to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the 228 Incident in…
CMC at the year of the rabbit, Chinese New Year Banquet at the Chinese Cultural Centre on Feb. 5.
+5 All reactions: 14Henry Lee Leong Bee, Mar Cho and 12 others