Our signature CMC Asian Heritage Month Awards Gala has been confirmed to take place on Sunday, May 5, 2024. We would like to invite all our members to select an outstanding individual from your community, to be honoured at this gala event for their significant contributions to your community or Canada. Please see the attached criteria for selection of your nomination by your community.To nominate someone from your community to receive the award, please submit the following by Wednesday, April 3, 2024:
1. Biography – max. 500 words, written in paragraph form, we need a good story of the nominee’s achievements and how he/she reached their achievements by overcoming adversities. barriers, etc., point forms will NOT be accepted. We need a good readable story about the nominee.
2. High Resolution Photo – a clear head shot photo, at least 300 dpi resolution for high quality printing.
Please respect the deadline for your nomination. We have a lot of work to organize this event, we need your nominations so that we can design the award plaques and order the engravings, edit the biographies, layout the artwork for the program book, etc. April 3 is only a few days away
, please start your nomination process now.